About Melinda

Welcome to my Holistic Services!

My name is Melinda Annear, I live in Morwenstow, North Cornwall, UK, with my husband and dog. I am a sensitive and intuitive soul who loves the sea, nature, animals, travelling, yoga, crystals, oracle cards, music and daily dancing in my kitchen!

My passion and life purpose is to facilitate mind, body, soul transformation; to help people feel healthy, happy and fall in love with themselves and their life again.

I work with a person’s mind, body and soul, by clearing/ rebalancing their energy and blocks. I believe they are all inter-connected for health and happiness.

How it all began

I have always been very spiritual and became a Reiki Healer in my twenties alongside other jobs at the time. Yet I struggled with disordered eating, food sensitivities, hormone imbalances and so many self-limiting beliefs. Overall I wasn't giving myself the self care I needed, desperately trying to fit in and people please. (I have since been diagnosed as Autistic with ADHD).

Whilst having spiritual counselling to try and heal from a traumatic miscarriage, she received a download mid session that I needed to find out more about Kinesiology. I didn't know what it was so two days later, I went to a morning presentation/ taster session and knew this was what I needed. I just knew in my soul I had to learn it in the hope it would change other people’s lives too. Systematic Kinesiology changed my life; emotionally, physically and mentally.

Since becoming a certified Systematic Kinesiologist, over the years, I have trained and added the following to my toolkit of techniques; these include Heartspeak, Retained Primitive Reflexes, Rahanni/ Energy Healing, Nutrition, CBT, Hypnotherapy, NLP, EFT, Life Coaching, Breathwork, Herbalism and Flower remedies to name a few.

I work in a completely holistic way.

Either one to one (in person or online), or in groups on my retreats and workshops based in Cornwall.

I help unlock your body’s innate healing ability, using all the techniques I’ve learnt over the years. These amazing techniques help you become unstuck and release your mental, emotional and physical blocks from your mind, body and energy field.

When we work together, in whatever capacity, you will have the opportunity to discuss the focus of your sessions and we decide which modality, or combination, best suits your needs at that time. 

With love + gratitude
Melinda x